Friday, 21 September 2012


  The business guru

The hip-hop pioneer
russell simmons

Russell Simmons, the great entrepreneur and philanthropist a pioneer of influencing hip-hop culture, fashion, finance, television and film, as well as the face of modern philanthropy. Simmons co-founded Def Jam Records in 1980, he helped launch the Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, NasJay Z, Ludicris and many more. Last year he earned an estimated $300-million from his various business ventures, making him one of the most influential people in the hip hop world   

Simmons is in South Africa to be a speaker to share some of his business insights  for the next destiny forum event hosted by Ndalo media, the event will be exposing the masses to business Strategies tips on how to deal with work challenges, guidance on work objectives and goals and also offers networking with like-minded people.
The second installment of Destiny Forum will be on Friday September 21, at Johannesburg’s Hilton Sandton Hotel and is brought to you in association with M-Net and City Press. Tickets cost R850 (including VAT) per person, which includes cocktail dinner and an after-party with Tumi and The Volume.

This event will be a great opportunity for young people to learn about self-mastery and entrepreneurs, learn how to start their business and it will energise South African business, with the consummate help of the outstanding speaker. This is a video of Russell Simmons on the bussinessbrilliant  "
Russell Simmons, the great entrepreneur and philanthropist a pioneer of influencing I think this will be a great highlight for the Destiny Forum to have one of the best entrepreneurs who is the top 25 Most Influential People of the Past 25 Years in USA; this will attract more audiences to come and attend their inaugural the destiny forum because such a key speaker is what the young business women and men want to be influenced.


  1. This is a good idea think that Russell Simmons is coming to South Africa to give tips to business entrepreneurs but the cost price of the tickets is too expensive.

  2. wow! this tickets are expensive,bit you know what they say expensive = quality

    1. yes pebetse they might be expensive but his tips will be worh it for your career

  3. okay you said a ticket is R850 not bad for a reputable bussiness man like him. Can you please clarify the directions for me Mam. If possible will met there.

  4. him being here will give us the opportunity to gain something from him, but unfortunately some of us will not be able to attend because the price ticket is not affordable

    1. yes i know their expensive but as a Public relation Practitioner it is reasonable because it is not usally that internationally people like Russel accept this offer

  5. I fully believe that Simmons's coming to South Africa is going to benefit us all as many young stars will gain ways on growing their business. This is the opportunity to spent money knowing that good results will be gained.

    1. yes i think such events are for a better cause unlike the fact that beyonce is coming to peorm and she experts a huge amount of money in return without any great learning from the performance

  6. I believe that there is nothing special with internationa celebrities...why not empower our own people. We always are supporting people from overseas and not our people.

    1. yes i think we should support each other as South African and not Support intenatiionals but i think Russel will bring a great deal in giving us the great ideas in improving South African companies unlike someone performing and making money wihout the benefit to us as South African

  7. thats good to hear that his is coming in our country but im complaining with tickets-they're so expensive

  8. Its always good to have some one from outside to share their ideas and achievements, we could really learn alot from them.

    1. yes because as they are developing we might as well learn how to do that in South Africa because we also need to develop.

  9. This is a great initiative, and I am certain that young people will learn a lot from this mogul in the entrepreneur industry. Its nice to have such succesful people to give advice to minor, and growing business people...

    1. yes it is a great intiatives because this will give young business owners, young and upcoming business student to have the knowledge and learn from russel

  10. Such an event, puts our country on the "map". Someone like Rusell Simmons is a brand, and him coming to South Africa shows that we as a country are developing and progressing.

    1. yes because people may think we are supporting people from INternational and local but the fact is that they are very well developed so if we learn from them if stand a chance o improve too

  11. this is great initiatives especially sharing ideas to young once in our home soil which is charaterised by opportunities and freedom in a free market and highly rated competition

    1. they say the more we learn the more we improve this is a chance for us to pat take in such events to grow or improve

  12. You know they say its better if you hear something from the horses mouth. Rusell is such an insipiring individual who doesnt let anything get in his way.

    1. that very true nqwaba because you can even have a clear perspective and ask question and interact with him who knows he might consider hearing you plan to break throuh the business

  13. it is good that he is coming to south africa maybe people will start taking the music industry ve4ry serious

    1. yes if they learn from him they stand a chance to being good publicity and artist

  14. He might recieve a poor welcome, meaning less fans during the event because tickets are expensive and we South Africans we sometimes have poor organisers.

    1. know themba i think the organisers are not targeting the righ audience such a seminar you will first target people in the business companies and consider even student

  15. Russell Simmons is coming to South Africa to give tips to business entrepreneurs but the cost price of the tickets is costy

    1. yes but don't think it is worth it for to attend such a seminar

  16. Wow i think it's great for him to come to South Africa as he will inspire most South African to think outside the box and build the future for themselves. I hope most of us do attend as this will benefit us especially those who want to leave a legecy.....

    1. this is a great opportunity to make a break through with the help o russell's knowledge and advice will grow to be successfull
